1、做企业不是做侠客。 Doing business is not doing knight. 2、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,但是一个当不好士兵的将军一定不是好将。 A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general who is not a good soldier is certainly not a good soldier. 3、今天会很残酷,明天会很残酷,后天会很美好,但大部分人会死在明天晚上。 Today will be very cruel, tomorrow will be very cruel, the day after tomorrow will be very beautiful, but most people will die tomorrow night. 4、鸡叫了天会亮,鸡不叫天还是会亮的,天亮不亮鸡说了不算。问题是天亮了,谁醒了? Chicken called the day will be bright, the chicken is not called days or will be bright, day does not bright chicken said. The problem is the dawn, who woke up? 5、什么是团队呢?团队就是不要让另外一个人失败,不要让团队任何一个人失败。 What is a team? A team is not to let the other person fail. Don't let the team fail. 6、蒙牛不是策划出来的,而是踏踏实实的产品服务和体系做出来的。 Mengniu not planned out, but the system of products and services and do it. 7、永远让你的队员知道你在哪里。 Always let your team know where you are. 8、因为信任,所以简单。 Because of trust, so simple. 9、在别人把你当英雄的时候你千万别把自己当英雄。如果你真把自己当英雄那么你就真的离死亡不远了。 You don't have to be a hero when someone takes you as a hero. If you really put yourself as a hero you really are not far from death. 10、对荣誉我没有心理准备。 I have no psychological preparation for honor. 11、淘宝网的主业决不该放在与对手的竞争上,而是把眼睛盯在提升客户体验上。 Taobao network's main business should not be placed on the competition with the opponent, but the eye on the upgrade to enhance the customer experience. 12、在一个聪明人满街乱窜年代,稀缺的恰恰不是聪明,而是一心一意,孤注一掷,一条心,一根筋。 In an era of smart people scurrying streets, precisely scarce is not clever, but wholeheartedly, put all your eggs in one basket, of one mind, a root reinforcement. 13、不要等到明天,明天太遥远,今天就行动。 Don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is too far, today. 14、有时候死扛下去总是会有机会的。 Sometimes there's always a chance to die. 15、机会永远在危险之中,当所有人都倒下了,你还能半跪着,机会就是你的。 Opportunity is always in danger, when all the people fall down, you can still be a half kneeling, the opportunity is your. 16、男人的胸怀是让冤枉和委屈撑大的。 Men's mind is to let the injustice and injustice. 17、我自己不愿意聘用一个经常在竞争者之间跳跃的人。 I don't want to hire a person who often jumps between the competitors. 18、创业者书读得不多没关系,就怕不在社会上读书。 Entrepreneurs have read little never mind, do not study in the society. 19、每个企业都会有使命感,但必须要有能做到的使命感! Every business will have a sense of mission, but must have a sense of mission to do! 20、一个创业者最重要的,也是你最大的财富,就是你的诚信。 An entrepreneur is the most important, is your greatest wealth, is your integrity. 21、小企业有大的胸怀,大企业要讲细节的东西。 Small business has a big heart, big business to talk about the details of things. 22、年代的人还需要摔打,不管做任何事,要检查主观原因。 The people also need to beat, no matter what we do, to check the subjective reason. 23、改变是如此困难,但唯有改变,才可能成功。 Change is so difficult, but only to change, it is possible to succeed. 24、创新不是要打败对手而是与明天竞争! Innovation is not to defeat the opponent but to compete with tomorrow! 25、创新无模式,创新就是你的感触,你对问题的看法。 Innovation is no model, innovation is your feelings, your perception of the problem. 26、你穷,是因为你没有野心。 You are poor because you have no ambition. 27、我就是架上望远镜,也看不到对手。 I was a telescope, and I couldn't see my opponent. 28、只要不放弃就会有机会。 As long as you do not give up will have the opportunity to. 29、你的项目感觉是一个生意,不是一个独特的企业。 Your project feels like a business, not a unique business. 30、最优秀的模式往往是最简单的东西。 The best model is often the simplest thing. 31、我们是教人钓鱼,而不是给人鱼。 We are teaching people to fish rather than to the mermaid. 32、不做电子商务,五年后你会后悔。 Do not do e-commerce, five years later you will regret it. 33、三养女人:修养,涵养、保养! Miyaki woman: cultivation, conservation, maintenance! 34、关注对手是战略中很重要的一部分,但这并不意味着你会赢。 Focus on the opponent is a very important part of the strategy, but this does not mean that you will win. 35、创意是企业运营中一个很重要的一环,但它只是一环,不是所有,所以要把每项工作落实到实处。 Creativity is a very important part of enterprise operations, but it is just a ring, not all, so to put each work into effect. 36、两个基本点:潇洒点、糊涂点。 Two basic points: Chic point, confused point. 37、那些私下忠告我们,指出我们错误的人,才是真正的朋友。 Those who counsel US privately, point out that we are wrong, are true friends. 38、创新不是为对手竞争,而是跟明天竞争,真正的创新一定是基于使命感,这样才能持久的进行。 Innovation is not to compete with rivals, but with tomorrow's competition, the real innovation must be based on a sense of mission, so as to lasting. 39、钱是社会资源要更有效率利用。 Money is social resources to be more efficient use of. 40、要少开店开好店,店不在于多,而在于精。 To open a good shop, shop is not much, but in essence. 41、战略不能落实到结果和目标上面,都是空话。 Strategy can not be implemented to the results and goals above, are empty. 42、女人可以长得不漂亮,但是绝对不能让自己的人生不漂亮! Women can not be beautiful, but absolutely can not make their own life is not beautiful! 43、互联网是四乘一百米接力赛,你再厉害,只能跑一棒,应该把机会给年轻人。 The Internet is one hundred by the four meter relay race, you will be more powerful, can only run a stick, should give the opportunity to the young people. 44、今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上。 Today is very cruel, tomorrow will be more cruel, the day after tomorrow will be very beautiful, but the vast majority of people have died in tomorrow night. 45、互联网上失败一定是自己造成的,要不就是脑子发热,要不就是脑子不热,太冷了。 It must be caused by the failure of the Internet itself, or the brain fever, or the brain is not hot, it is too cold. 46、什么是伟大的事?伟大的事就是无数次平凡、重复、单调、枯燥地做同一件事,就会做成伟大的事。 What is a great thing? The great thing is that it is a great thing to do the same thing in the ordinary, repetitive, monotonous and boring. 47、把你太太当合作伙伴,不要把她当太太看。 Take your wife as a partner and don't take her as a wife. 48、永远把别人对你的批评记在心里,别人的表扬,就把它忘了。 Always put other people's criticism of your heart, and other people's praise, forget it. 49、商道的根本在于诚信的积累。 Business lies in the accumulation of credit. 50、免费是世界上最昂贵的东西。所以尽量不要免费。等你有了钱以后再考虑免费。 Free is the most expensive thing in the world. So try not to be free. After you have the money to consider free.
(责任编辑:每日一笑) |